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The Technical Service Representative (TSR) role
PPG Protective and Marine Coatings offers technical service for advice and support on-site.

With in-depth knowledge of the working realities facing the industries we supply, we have more than 350 Technical Service representatives operating from over 60 locations in the world. PPG Protective and Marine Coatings can therefore offer you an unsurpassed perspective on the coatings options that can help your company to optimize the technical performance and minimize expensive down time.

A qualified Technical Service Representatives can be assigned to a specific New-Construction or Maintenance & Repairs project, acting as your point of contact for any technical question you may have related to the specified coating standards on that project.

For information on the possibilities and scope of these services, please send us an email by clicking on the link http://www.sigmapaints.com/sigma/sigma-protective/askus.asp

Sigma’s TSR typical responsibilities to ascertain that:
  • Only valid specifications are used.
  • Surface preparation of steel is in line with the specification.
  • Paints used correctly and as per the specification.
  • Equipment for preparation and application is in good operating order
  • Paints are stored correctly
  • Preparation, ambient conditions, coating thickness and time intervals between coats are checked and the result documented in accordance with requirements
  • Safety and environmental regulations are adhered to
  • Testing and analyses are carried out in a correct way with calibrated and correct test equipment
Coating Failures

Inspection Stages